Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Craig's Birthday

The cow cake!!

Blow Hard!!

Rich, Craig, and Tenielle
Jerry and Linda
Debbie, Mary, and Marva
Tiff and Treven
Pic's of Tiff's kids
Tiff's Present
Craig's Tractor
Craig and his tractor
Craig and Rich
Treven, Tiffani, and Me

Craig and TrevenCraig's tractor's


Brandon's wife and kids, Kyler, Tiana, and Tyrelle
Dawson, Clayton, and Tenielle

Tenielle and Treven

Dawson, Christina, and Tenielle

Dawson, Christina, and Tenielle

Lil' Miss Nielle

Treven Craig and Treven

Justyn and Tryson

Christina, Jayden, and Patryce

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Craig and Kristal Eldredge

Arthur "Dutch" Hall
Passed away May 23, 2010
My father in law
He will be forever in our hearts.