Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well i had a great Thanksgiving Day with the Eldredge side of the Family. We had great food and a lot of Turkey. I was so stuffed that i could'nt have any Pie that same made but it did make a great breakfast the next day lol. It was fun haven the Family all together we did miss the ones who could not make it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is the most sexy man in my life. I love him with all me heart.

This is the Logan Temple. The one I went threw on the 1st of oct.
Sam invited me and Tiffy Rustan to the temple on the 5Th and it was a great night. We went for the 5 pm session and was late so we tryed for the 5:30 session and was late getting to that one so we had to wait for the 6pm session and it was worth waiten for it was a great night and i enjoyed going.